This website is fully funded and supported by Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd
▼ Remdesivir is subject to additional monitoring. This will allow quick identification of new safety information.
If you experience a side effect please report this information to Gilead by email to or +44 (0) 1223 897500.
Side effects may also be reported via
It is important to talk about side effects to your HCP, doctor nurse or pharmacist. To help us process the safety report effectively, please provide as much information as possible including:
• Patient identifiers in an anonymised form of the person who experienced the possible side effect or other identifiers, such as gender, age
• The contact details of the reporter, namely the person who is reporting the information along with your Healthcare providers contact details
• A description of the possible side effect itself, such as the signs and symptoms experienced, date the possible side effect started and whether the side effect has resolved
• Details of the Gilead product (remdesivir) such as treatment dates, dose and duration
Please note that we are unable to provide medical advice on an individual patient’s symptoms. If you are a patient and are concerned about your symptoms, or they worsen, please contact your doctor or healthcare provider immediately.